Dear Clients, Colleagues and friends,
With the current Global situation and spread of Covid-19, and the new UK lockdown now being enforced, I thought that I would take the opportunity to let you all know about how Eseyo is now operating as a business in these times.
We are still running as usual, although now operating remotely. You can still reach us via email, telephone, or as usual with skype where my username is eseyoweb. What is becoming more commonplace now is the use of “Zoom” as a platform for holding virtual meetings and we are talking with many clients in this way. If you’d like to learn more about Zoom and how this might help you with your business then let me know. I have also started to use WhatsApp as a business communication tool (normally reserved for non-business messaging with family and friends) and so please feel free to add me on WhatsApp (07812 738844) and get in touch.
Probably the most common request at the moment from clients is the need to add a notice to their websites about how THEIR business is operating at the moment. If you haven’t already done this with your own website and would like to do so, this is a simple job and please get in touch.
Second to the requests for your own COVID-19 notice is the desire to send out news or updates via email. We have a simple to use email marketing platform that could help you with this and allows you to send our personalised messages. If you’d like to know more about this then I’d be happy to arrange a walkthrough demo.
Finally, if you find yourself unable to be at work and with spare time on your hands, I’d like to suggest that this is a perfect time to think about improving the content on your website. You could be adding more case studies or portfolio articles about products and services that your business provides. You could be publishing blog posts not only about your business in these difficult times, but maybe how you can help your own clients, or even tips and advice about the things that you do.
Whatever your business does, and whatever your current challenges, I’d be very happy to help wherever possible. Get in touch and lets have a chat. Stay safe and keep well,