The term “Easter Egg” in tech-speak is used to find a hidden feature or special function whether it is on a web page, a DVD, computer game or other such media.
Google have produced some very interesting easter eggs which you can try out. Mostly these are just for fun, so give them a go next time you’re on the Google homepage.
Zerg Rush:
Type “zerg rush” into google and your search results will be transformed into a game where you have to stop the letter ‘O’ from destroying your search results.
Tilt / Telted / Askew:
Try typing tilt or either of the other words into a Google search and just see what happens to your screen!
Barrel Roll:
Type “Do a barrel roll” into Google and the site will itself do a barrel roll. (You do have to be on the Google site for this to work; it won’t operate from a link or if you use your browser search bar)
Life, the universe and everything:
Search for the answer to life, the universe and everything and Google pays tribute to Douglas Adams.