I’ve just written a note to a client who has attended a Google Adwords training course and has setup their own PPC campaign to generate new business for them.
They had asked me to take a quick look over the initial setup and suggest some ideas for improvement and to maximise their budget.
I will anonimise the client and their campaign details, but thought that what I was recommending was worth sharing with everyone as a blog post:
Some points in no particular order literally as I think of them:
1. Actually write down the objectives of the search campaign. How are you trying to get people to your site? What is it that you are providing them with and how does this get segmented into smaller groups or how does it answer the question they are searching for?
2. There is a display url and an actual URL. For the display url I would just use http://www.mydomain.com but use the full address and specific landing page on the actual.
3. Create multiple adverts for each group. In this way you can then learn which versions of your adverts work more effectively than others. If the ads in each group use different language this is easier to measure. Have one which is a big call to action, another which is informational, use your imagination. Test and measure.
4. I would go as far as to create unique adverts for each category. They key is to get ultra-specific to answer what people are looking for. If the words they have used in their search terms appear in your advert these will be bolded. Thats what you want to try to achieve for a better conversion rate and click-through.
5. Dont waste your time with single word keywords like “example” or “test”. These are so vague that you’re wasting your money (in my opinion). If you are going to do this then set a low budget for them as you’d expect to only convert a minute perentage (0.01%ish) percent into clicks.
6. You’ve used the same advert pretty much in all of the campaigns. I cant say enough how these need to be tailored to each ad group and contain the targetted keywords.
Dont waste your time putting these onto Bing and Facebook yet. You should allow yourself a few weeks at least to get the adverts running and learn from the statistics.
By creating multiple adverts for your sub groups you’ll see exactly which versions of the adverts are worth continuing with and which can be dropped or improved.
Good Luck!